this is my first proper post.
its the last week of the easter holidays. i should have done lots of college work. i havn't. i got one day off work in the first week. last week, however, joy of joys my nightshift was cancelled and i got 2 whole days off. i got sunstroke. it was crap. should have had a free week this week, but crazy scottish lady decided to skive. forget a week off, i didnt even get lunch yesterday. trying to squeeze as much work in as possible. o ive got 2 elective deadlines in 2 weeks, and friends staying in my room next week.
that aside
my favorite artist of late has been david shrigley. hes pretty good. i decided to read up about him an see who he is influenced by. most of the people that he mentions, or are mentioned in conjunction with him are writers, poets, etc.
the first bloke i looked at has got a name. its ivor cutler. he says that the secret to writting is to bypass your intellect. he wrote some pretty strange things.
Ivor Cutler
to quote 'if your breasts are too big you'll fall over...unless you wear a rucksack.' i quite like ivor cutler, but just because hes like shrigley. however you could also compare him to spike milligan, which isnt so good. dont get me wrong i dont dislike milligan, his stuff is just silly for the sake of being silly.
the second person that i looked at is donald barthelme.
i liked him alot more. his texts are quite long and you have to read the whole thing to get it. (not that u ever really get it.) that is why i wont copy and paste examples of his writing, but i advise you check out
barthelme was, apparently, one of the first post-modern authers and hung out in the eighties. he creates strange scenarios in strange worlds that mock, explain and mimick human behaviour and reactions to real events in the real world (such as marriage, for example). its good, if a bit lengthy.
The third person i looked at is an alterative comic book artist called Rory Hayes.
its rude, pointless and too colourful, but i like it anyways.
An avid experimenter with drugs, Rory Hayes died in his sleep from an overdose on August 29, 1983, only 34 years old.