Tuesday, 9 October 2007

Back in leeds.

Yup. Full time work was crap and I'm a student again.

Over the summer we had to research various things and make 4 A6 pieces either informing people of things that we had learned about, or promoting our opinions/ideas about certain issues.

As I was working full time in a supermarket I decided to look into the food industry. I looked mainly at the treatment of animals for food (as well as animal testing). The things I found from my research were appalling, and as such have decided to become vegan.

If you want to find out more look at:

Go Veg
Vegetarian Society
Vegan Society
Compassion in World Farming

I realise that most people will not be willing to become vegan. I decided to promote the use of organic milk, pork, egg and chicken, as organic farming systems are much more ethical than more intensive systems such as battery farms.

I created a fictional organisation - 'For The Love Of Food', to promote organic food through. The message being that if you love your food, you will want to know it is ethically produced.

Here they are. Each one has a short piece of copy saying why you should buy organic milk/eggs/pork/chicken.

We then had to redesign them so that one would work with continuous tone/monotone, and one would work with just solid black and white. I decided to change the imagery a bit, as I felt the photographs relied on colour too much. This is the first time that I've done anything other than layouts/very simple vector images using illustrator. This was as much an excuse for me to use illustrator (now i've got it on my mac) as anything.

The next week we had to redesign them so that they would work in 2 colour. One in duotone, and one using spot colours. Again, I used the spot colour design as an excuse to use illustrator again. its quite surprising the depth that can be created using just 2 solid colours.

I also got this photo of Ricky at the law courts in town. I'm quite pleased with it. I like the way its abstracted by the position of the flat bank. I feel that the scally in the corner really makes this picture work well.

I went to the art gallery on saturday to see the Cult Fiction exhibition. I thought it was really good. I even bought the book.

It was an exhibition of comic art, illustration and graphic novels.

Travis Millard - 'Sally'

Layla Ali.

I really liked some of the illustrations. The detail in alot of them was amazing. My favorite piece was 'Who I am and what I want' by David Shrigley and Chris Shepherd. I have been wanting to see this for a little while.

Sorry I could only find a low quality version. The 'animate' intro thing isn't part of the video.

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