Monday, 7 January 2008

New books!

Recently (the last couple of months) I seem to have aquired quite a few new books.

Here are some pages from my favorites:

Neasdon Control Centre - Lost Control

I got this while I was in Berlin. 45 euros. There is some really interesting, visually exciting, experimental illustrations and collages. I really like the NCC style but find it a bit 'samey', its hard to remember one page of this book to another. That said it is still a brilliant book, well worth investing in if you're interested in illustration.

Ideas Have Legs - Ian McMillan Vs. Andy Martin.

Cat got me this for Christmas (She remembered me saying I wanted it - good girl). Ian McMillan writes pros (mostly in the form of poetry) and Andy Martin 'visually interprets' the writing. This a really great piece of collaborate work. McMillan writes in such a simple, but absurd way that you cant help but like it (similar to Spike Milligan, or a David Shrigley illustration). The design/illustration/layout/'visual interpretation' reflects this sense of playfulness and simplicity. A really good book (even if you've no interest in art/design).

How To Be A Graphic Designer Without Losing Your Soul - Adrian Shaughnessy

I read about half of this book and am finding it extremely useful, as I have to start trying to sort out a work placement over the summer soon. It has straight forward advice about interviews, portfolios, self promotion from someone who has been in the industry for a long time. I really recommend this to any one in my position (my house mates have all read it and will say the same).

The Obituary Tango - A selection of writing from the Caine Prize for African Writing 2006.

My mum got me this from the Fair Trade Shop in the Isle of Man. It has some really good short stories that offer insight into the mind of other cultures, trying to make it in the western world. Here is the quote on the back that helped sell this book to me (with my mums money).

"We played by their rules, Ej Haj said. That was our mistake. Back when we had the chance the change things we played by their rules. We wanted what they had. We wanted Regents Street and Piccadilly Circus. We wanted Oxford and Cambridge. We wanted Westminister. instead of thinking for ourselves. Nowadays, he said, no one even remembers that there was much thing as a colonial period. The English today are tired of hearing what their forefathers did and besides, they say, look what happens when you are left to your own devices."

Dinosaurs - Robert Sabuda & Matthew Reinhart

I got 'Dinosaurs' and I bought Cat 'Prehistoric Sharks and Sea Monsters' (she was doing a brief on pop-up books). These pop-up books are absolutely stunning. As well as the main pop up in the middle there are other one that fold out from the corner. I think that anybody would find this books fantastic (even though they are kids books). Seriously, its amazing.

Thats it. Bye bye. X.

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