Saturday, 18 October 2008

Stuff and that

I entered the Don't Panic! poster competition, but didn't get my poster finished in time, so I had to enter Poster V1.

Here is Poster V2

Heres some close ups:

I have also finished a job I did for the One World Centre in the Isle of Man. It has literally taken ages, I havebeen working on it a little bit at a time.

It is to be used around schools on the Isle of Man to promote Fairtrade.

Here it is, it's 2 posters in 1, I'm pretty pleased with it:

I have never used Berlin Sans before, but there you go....

The British People's Party were holding a protest outside HMV against black rap music. The BPP are basically a more extreme version of the BNP. Check out their website - they're idiots.

Anyway, the militant anti-fascist organisation Antifa, amongst others, were planning to protest against the protest. It was due to kick off at 11. We got there around 11.20 - there was 2 groups of anti-fascist protesters (separated by the police), but no BPP. By about 1pm the centre of town was crowded with hundreds of police and hundreds of protesters, but still no BPP.

Eventually around 15 of the BPP arrived and set up a protest, but were obviously outnumbered by the opposition.

That was about it, fairly uneventful, except a few scuffles with the (possibly slightly heavy handed) police. My favorite part was when my dissertation tutor and Marxist enthusiast, Richard, got involved a confrontation between protesters and police, which resulted in a load of people being pushed through a fence. He seemed to be enjoying himself anyway. Here he is in the blue jacket.


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