Friday, 7 November 2008

Change for a tenner

I have decided on a different strap line - Change for a Tenner - which was my original one. Using this means that I can have a wittier strap line and can talk of the change that 10 pounds can make, whilst showing people the freedom of choice that T£N offers.

Here is the word change:

This took around 5 hours to do, but I think that it looks really good.

Although it could be argued that nobody will take the time to read all of the copy, I don't see that this is important, as people only need to read one or two to understand that each letter has a different statement on, and that there is lots of choice of donation recipient. I think that the context would have to be considered carefully, but it could work quite well in places where people have nothing to do - bus or train stations for example. One other thing I like about this type treatment is that every time people see it they may read one or two different letters, meaning that there experience is slightly different every time.

Apart from anything, I think that the text makes quite a nice ambient pattern.

It think that this illustration by Serge Seidlitz works in a similar way to my campaign - you are unlikely to ever read all of the statements, but you only need to read a few to understand that they are all talking about Tiger Woods' achievements, and that there are a lot of them.

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