Monday, 17 November 2008

Magazine continued

Although I don't have much content yet, I have been looking at cover designs. I've been measuring a few books and magazines, and I think that 190 x 255mm is quite a nice size - its a little smaller than most magazines.

I want it to feel sophisticated without making it seem pretentious, the layouts are just using one photo, and trying out different logos and headings. Just having a play about really.

I'm not sure what the grey boxes are doing at the top of the screen grabs....

The ones with the serif heading seem a little pretentious, especially the italicised ones. My favorite logo is the one on the last cover. The choice of font (Lubalin Graph) goes really well with Avante Garde meaning that I can have two brand fonts that will work well together. The graphic above the g can also be used in different colours to reflect the cover image

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