Saturday, 1 November 2008

T£N - making a start

The difficulty that I am having is coming up with a visually stimulating and conceptually strong idea that informs people what T£N is (which is difficult as its quite a unique campaign), inspires people to take part, and persuades people to visit the website.

The main difference between T£N and other charity campaigns is the complete freedom of choice it offers with regard to recipients. For that reason my concept would have to be choice - the problem I have with this is that I am quite precious about my tag line change for a tenner, which would be more fitting if my concept were change.

I have had a few ideas - such as using the strapline No Registered Charity Number Required to show the diversity of the campaign, or using images of things that have limited choices, such as ice cream flavours, and using copy that says how much better it would be to have unlimited choices.

The idea that holds the most water so far is using characters quoting that they donated to different and opposing causes. Hopefully this could be witty and memorable, whilst showing how diverse you can be. I have made a quick example, shown below:

The idea is that there would be loads of different and humorous characters for lots of different obscure causes. After somebody took part in T£N they could then go onto the website and create their own character that would appear on their Facebook or Myspace profile saying that they took part in T£N. Similar to the Southpark character generater. I'm below looking like I'm in Southpark.

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