This morning I made some mock ups:
This is a cardboard mock up showing how the installation would work. The different layers are free to slide in and out. I'll try and make a more detailed mock up out of perspex.

This photo shows a couple of mock ups I made to see which binding method would be best to hold ten sections of ten pages together.
The top one is (im)perfect bound, and the bottom is section bound.
The idea with both is that each of the ten sections would have a cardboard cover. Each of these ten covers would be bound together - essentially making a book with ten pages. The ten pages in each section would then be attached to their card board cover, so it is more like ten ten-pages books bound together that one hundred-page book.

These two images are of mock ups of seperate sections. They both have a cardboard cover that wraps around the pages - meaning that a section of it can be slid between the pages to isolate the information. Both books are bound on the left-hand side, however on the top image the cover folds around the right-hand side, and on the bottom it folds around the top.
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