I must have pressed 't' the short cut for selecting the type tool in InDesign, not realising I already had the type tool up, and a text box selected. I must have done it just before I exported it because I made sure I checked I had spelt my name right (I didn't want to look like an idiot did I).
After nearly breaking my fist punching the wall, I realised that this could infact be a blessing in disguise: lets face it, the Lulu cover is going to be some flimsy overly glossy piece of crap. This is an excuse to make myself a new cover. I can have full control over the stock I use, all I need to do is tear the old cover off (its just a little bit of glue down the spine), and glue a nice new (typo-free) cover. Awesome!
Every cloud....
Anyways, here is the original post (check the cover at the end)
I uploaded and ordered my Design Context book from lulu.com yesterday. It took ages, this was for two reasons. 1. I'm an idiot and kept noticing mistakes and having to reupload it. 2. Lulu's an idiot. She doesn't give much info on full bleed pages, I had to search through the frequently asked questions section to get info I needed - ie, do you export PDFs as spreads or single pages, and do you add bleed to all edges, or just the outside ones?
Still £18 for a 127 page book isn't three bad at all...
Click here to download it as a PDF (if you do this please don't tell me about any spelling mistakes or owt like that — I really don't want to know).
Here's some spreads:

And the cover:

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