Saturday 2 February 2008


I seem to have been working constantly yet don't feel like I've achieved much.

I've mainly been working on my DVD interface. I have tried to 'liven it up' a bit my adding more colour and more doodles, and i think it looks much better, and is more childish.

Heres a couple of screen grabs.

Heres the working intro

and a couple of transitions between 'pages'

My website isn't really going too well. I'm having issues with Dreamweaver, but hopefully it wont take too much longer to get up. I think that I've decided that I don't like webdesign too much.

Me and Merlin are going to enter the competition to design the promotional material for the college end of year show.

Here is an initial idea (it needs a lot of work, but hopefully you can tell what I'm trying to do). I was thinking about the vast amount of work that goes into peoples final major project.

I think that it could be really interesting and would hold peoples attention - if i did it well enough and if the copy describing how the various pens broke was funny enough. However, it may be difficult to make it say 'end of year exhibition'.

Thats about it. You should checkout Merlin showed me it, its really funny. It describes itself as 'rap represented in mathematical charts and graphs'. Its the only time I've ever wished that I knew more about hiphop...

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