Thursday 23 October 2008

Finished front covers

I have decided to develop both of the cover ideas from my last post, giving me these covers:

Aesthetically, I tried keeping them sympathetic to other National Media Museum artwork. However, conceptually I have tried to take a different approach.

The question I tried to answer with these designs was ‘why would anyone choose to go to an indoor attraction in summer?’

This cover hasn't changed much, but I have done some quick mock-ups showing how this concept can be easily adapted for a poster/print campaign.

The idea behind this cover design is to show how the National Media Museum offers families a hassle free day out, in comparison to more traditional summer activities - going to the beach, fare, etc.

I have spent quite bit of time putting together the alternative rain concept cover: here are the final 2, theres not much in it really. I imagine I will go with the second one.

The main reason that I visited the National Media Museum was that I needed something to do when it was raining.

This cover idea shows how the National Media Museum is an alternative to an outdoor attraction as it offers something that many don’t
- a roof.

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